Monday, August 27, 2012

10 Afghan soldiers killed in checkpoint attack

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) ? The Afghan government says 10 Afghan soldiers have been killed in an attack on a checkpoint in the south and five have either been kidnapped or joined their assailants.

Helmand provincial government spokesman Daoud Ahmadi says insurgents attacked the checkpoint in Washir district Sunday evening. He says another four soldiers were wounded.

Ahmadi did not provide details of the attack. He said Monday that the five missing soldiers left with their assailants but it was unclear if they were kidnapped or went voluntarily.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Britons shrug off nude photos of UK's Prince Harry

LONDON (AP) ? Britain's Prince Harry has been caught on camera doing something embarrassing ? again.

Celebrity gossip website TMZ on Tuesday posted photos of the 27-year-old royal cavorting nude with an unidentified woman in a VIP suite in Las Vegas. It's hardly the first time the prince ? who allegedly disrobed as part of a game of strip pool ? has been filmed misbehaving. The third-in-line to the throne was famously photographed wearing a Nazi uniform for a costume party, and in another photo-gaffe he was seen cupping the breast of a female TV presenter. Some would argue footage in which he was heard to utter a racial slur while teasing a fellow army cadet from Pakistan was more serious.

If the reaction of Britons to Harry's Las Vegas adventure was anything to go by, the nude photos will do little to tarnish his generally positive, party-prince image. The Associated Press asked an assortment of royal watchers and British subjects about what they thought about the prince's naked romp.


Jim Conlon, a 60-year-old construction worker: "The answer to that is categorically NO." Conlon, who was unloading bags of material from a car, seemed genuinely offended by the very question. "I'd be proud of him if he were my son," he said.

Conlon's opinion was typical of a country where thousands of streets and pubs are named for the royal family. Polls published earlier this year showed support for the monarchy at an all-time high, perhaps buoyed by the celebrations surrounding Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee celebrations marking her 60 years on the throne.

Interviews with Londoners up and down the capital's Prince of Wales Road yielded few critics of Harry's antics.

Craig Martin, 38, another construction worker: "He's the prince. He can have any bird he wants!"

Down the road, caregiver Shirley Ashard laughed at the news of Harry's naked adventure, dismissing questions about the propriety of running around a plush hotel room in the buff with a boys-will-be-boys shrug.

"I've got kids. They do things like that," the 59-year-old said. "He's a lad, for God's sake."


Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine: Not likely. Seward said Harry's party-boy image was part of his approachable, normal persona.

"Of course it's stupid, but it doesn't make people dislike him ? quite the opposite," she said.

"It shows that he is a guy who gets into trouble and he's the one people love to love. It could only happen to Harry ? but we love him for it."

She did think, though, that Harry might get a talking-to from Prince Charles. "I would think his father would speak to him," she said.


Yes, said Anne Sebba, biographer of Wallis Simpson, the American divorcee whose affair with King Edward VIII ? Harry's great-great-uncle ? led to his abdication in 1936.

That king's grandfather, Edward VII ? who reigned from 1901 to 1910 ? had many affairs, parking his carriage outside the houses of his mistresses while he visited.

"The staff would be very discreet," said Sebba. "People knew; they just didn't talk about it."

Edward VIII and Simpson were well known in upper-crust circles for their hedonistic parties ? and some visitors wrote their shocked reactions in diaries.

"It didn't reach the papers," Sebba said. "It is just in the private diaries. Nobody was taking photographs. Nobody was posting it on the Internet.

"The old system depended on incredible discretion, loyalty and deference ? and all that has gone. The royal family has had to make themselves so open and available and this is the downside of the coin."

Prince Harry's office confirmed Wednesday that the photos were of the prince but declined to make any further comment.


The blurry, low-resolution photographs appear to have been snapped from inside a hotel suite, and it isn't clear that the prince was aware that they were being taken.

That could be a violation of the royal's privacy. It might also explain why Britain's scandal-hungry tabloids ? normally avid consumers of titillating photos ? were steering clear of the images.

Ashard, the caregiver, said the only outrage she could muster was against the photographer.

"That's out of order," she said. "How would you like it if someone took pictures of you in your hotel room?"


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Her.meneutics: Why Friends Disappear When You Reach Midlife


I thought we were friends.

At midlife I learned that I might have overstated some of these relationships a tad. It seemed that my BFFs had really been church and parenting co-workers.

Inspirational speakers Barbara Bartocci parsed the difference, noting, ?People frequently think they have friends at work?or church or the tennis club or any location where like-minded people gather?when in fact what they have are ?work neighbors.? Once you move out of the ?neighborhood,? you?re no longer thought about or included.?

The hormonal drama of middle-school relationships or those first lonely weeks in a new town are nothing in comparison to the challenges of making new friends and keeping the old at midlife.

Like many other women, I had enjoyed a stable posse of friendships during my childrearing years. My pals and I compared notes about potty training, shuttled kids to one another?s homes for play dates, cheered and coached and prayed for one another. I never doubted that our shared experiences and, in most cases, our shared faith, would be enough to cement our friendships for life.

Shifts at midlife threw us out of sync with one another. Our kids scattered, some to college, others into the workforce or the military. Some friends relocated or put new energy into their careers. A few marriages ended. The easiest way to deal with the new distance in these relationships was to make excuses for it (?How did we get so busy? Let?s get a date on the calendar ASAP!?) or to try to pretend nothing had changed.

In middle age, many women discover they?re downsizing and moving into a brand-new neighborhood, so to speak. Midlife strips us of the things that formed our network of relationships back in the old neighborhood of our 20s and 30s: children?s activities or the drive to find meaning in a career. This new life location can be lonely. No one I know is riding in a red convertible with her empty-nester Gal Pals, singing along to oldies while heading together to a beach house weekend. Most of us aren?t looking for Gal Pals, anyway. We?re simply looking for a few friends in our new neighborhood. Studies confirm what we intuitively know: loneliness is a serious issue with far-reaching consequences as we get older.

The standard friend-making advice offers motivational action steps: take a class, join a group, serve those in need in your community. In addition, Christians are encouraged to find fellowship at church, though they may discover that there aren?t always as many age peers attending as they might hope.

The suggestions are useful, but without first doing what Jesus asks of us, our efforts will not be grounded in kingdom reality. We can not befriend others if we are not willing to first befriend our midlife selves. Relying on the identity that seemed to fit like a glove at age 25 to build new relationships when we are 47 won?t net us the kind of authentic relationships we?re longing for in our second adulthood, nor does it honor the process of God?s transforming, maturing work in our lives.

Befriending ourselves is a solidly scriptural principle. Jesus once told a religious expert that to inherit eternal life, we must love God heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. On the hunt for an error in Jesus? thinking, the expert then asked Jesus who this neighbor was. Jesus responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan, a flesh-and-blood illustration of the Golden Rule in practice. The Samaritan understood how to be a friend to the wounded man because he was in touch with what he?d need if he?d been in a similar situation. His caring actions contrast those who?d chosen to live for the affirmation of others via their religious practice.

We are not immune to the temptation to allow the affirmation of others to shape our behavior. For instance, many of us have heard joy comes from putting Jesus first, others second, and yourself last. It?s a catchy little dictum designed to challenge the selfishness to which we are all prone. Joy indeed does come from loving God and loving others. Unfortunately, some corners of the church have preached or modeled that self-care is Oprahspeak, code for a narcissistic, sinful waste of time. In that context, the call to serve selflessly becomes a command to exorcise our ourselves from the equation.

At midlife, those years of ignoring ourselves have a way of catching up with us. When our nest empties, our career downshifts, our marriage hits the rocks, our church splits, our parents die, or our health fails, we may find we have little choice but to stop the striving to please others and give ourselves some attention.

Those changing friendships at midlife are an invitation to do so as well. I realized that I?d never be able to make new friends or keep the old if I wasn?t first willing to answer my own friend request. Self-care for me meant attending to the things I?d back-burnered in the name of serving others: my physical needs (rest, eating healthy meals, and some form of physical exercise), my emotional needs (time with a Christian counselor to sort through grief after my mother?s traumatic death) and my spiritual needs (instead of leading big events at church, I realized that I now found joy in one-on-one forms of service to others). Perhaps not-so-ironically, the spiritual practice of solitude was especially helpful in embracing the transition taking place in my life and learning to simply be myself in God?s company.

Some of those stalled long-time friendships have been revived as I?ve settled into my new ?neighborhood?; others haven?t. I am grateful for the gift of wonderful new relationships that are developing in my life as well. It took making one important new friend in my new neighborhood to help me connect and reconnect with others: myself.


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Akin's flub makes abortion an issue (CNN)

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Business events scheduled for Wednesday

Major business events and economic events scheduled for Wednesday:

WASHINGTON ? National Association of Realtors releases existing home sales for July, 10 a.m.

WASHINGTON ? Federal Reserve releases minutes from its July interest-rate meeting.

Hewlett-Packard Co. reports quarterly financial results.

TOKYO ? Japan releases preliminary trade figures for July.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Not-So Buried Secret

Emily Yoffe.

Emily Yoffe

Photograph by Teresa Castracane.

Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, is on weekly to chat live with readers. Emily is currently on vacation, but unpublished letters from a previous chat are below. (Sign up here?to get Dear Prudence delivered to your inbox each week. Read Prudie?s?Slate columns?here. Send questions to Prudence at

Emily Yoffe: Good afternoon. I'm looking forward to your questions.

Q. Dead-Dog Dilemma: When my oldest son was 8, we decided to get a dog. I've raised dogs before so I had a fairly good idea of what I was getting myself into, until I realized our new dog was the devil's spawn in furry disguise. I won't get into all the trouble he caused. We made a difficult decision to send him back to his previous owner, but my son was adamantly against it. He went on a hunger strike and refused to speak to anyone, including at school. (He inherits the drama-queen gene from both his parents.) So one day we sent him to his grandparents under the guise of a happy weekend outing, and secretly took the dog back. After our son came home we lied and said the dog died. To make it believable we pretended to have buried the dog in the backyard. My son is now 13 and he still goes to the "grave" to mark every anniversary of the "death," which in itself is impressive because he doesn't even remember his own birthday. Anyway, the problem is, we are now moving. My son has been increasingly worried about leaving Scooter behind and has been asking us to exhume his body to rebury him in our new house. He is insisting that he be there to witness the "ceremony" of exhuming and reburying as he feels he never got a proper chance to say goodbye at the original "funeral." Knowing our son, he would be devastated and perhaps scarred for life if we admit the truth. I know it was wrong to lie but we don't want our son to lose trust in us forever because of what happened in the past. What should we do?

A: Apparently you haven't heard that the lie parents tell children when they get rid of a pet they can't stand but the kids love is that Scooter is now "living on a farm out in the country." I understand that melodrama runs strong through your family, but part of the job of parenting is helping your child deal with painful emotions and rein in their drama-queen tendencies. I assume if you had told your son that you knew he adored Scooter but unfortunately Scooter was just not the right pet for your family, eventually your son would have eaten and spoken again. You should have explained the kindest thing to do is what you did: return Scooter to his previous owners. You don't mention getting another dog, which is unfortunate because that would have given your son the experience of dog ownership and helped loosen the grip of Scooter's memory. If you continue in your deception, presumably your son takes a shovel and starts his fruitless search for Scooter. Then presumably you tell some lie about dog decomposition. It's time to fess up. Start with an apology. Say you realize you did something wrong five years ago out of good intentions gone awry. Tell him what actually happened. The truth has some comfort in it because Scooter lived and presumably found another home. Tell your son you know he'll be angry and justifiably so, and that you two have learned a difficult lesson about telling the truth, even if it's hard. Say you hope he'll learn about forgiving people who make mistakes and own up.

Dear Prudence: Homophobic Ex-Husband

Q. I Am the Other Woman: A couple of months ago I had a brief romance with a man who, as I later discovered, was married. I immediately broke it off. Although I was upset and hurt, I decided to forget about it and move on. But his wife found some of our text messages?nothing racy, just a little bit of flirting, asking each other how their day was, etc. This apparently (and understandably) aroused her suspicion and she started calling me. I never answer calls except for known numbers, so I didn't pick up at first. She must have thought I was avoiding her on purpose. She's left me a few messages (one of them with a crying baby in the background?I'm guessing their child) tearfully asking me to call her back because she wanted to know what was going on. I'm also receiving text messages. I really don't know what to say to her. This man and I never slept together but we went on a lot of dates and did stuff couples do when they first start going out. If it were me, I'd want to know if my husband was starting an illicit romance. But I also don't want to destroy a marriage or hurt this woman. Should I tell her honestly that we dated briefly? Ignore her? Lie and say I went after him but nothing happened? What?

A: How horribly distressing to find evidence that while you're home nursing the baby, your husband is out drinking with another women. You have no obligation to respond to her. It sounds as if she's got plenty to nail her husband, who is probably lying to her about everything. You can continue to ignore her, but if you feel that if the situation were reversed you'd want to be told, then the next time she calls, answer. Tell her the truth, that he presented himself as a single, you dated but did not have sex, but when you found out he had a wife, you dumped him. Then leave it at that?you don't want to get into further weepy conversations while she tries to extract all the details.

Q: Mom With Alzheimer's: My mother died in March of this year at age 57 from early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Throughout this ordeal our dad was a brick: He cared for her at home as long as possible, and visited her frequently in her Assisted Living place and eventual nursing home, even when it was clear she had no idea who he was. He encouraged us to do the same, which we did. So we were genuinely happy when he started dating again not long after Mom died. Although a bit concerned by the age difference (he's 63, she's 29), she seems like a nice person. However, we have since learned that 1) they already have two children together with another on the way; 2) he divorced our mother some time ago and married No. 2; and 3) he has rewritten his will to leave everything to her because "you four are all well-established [not true] and she will likely be left a widow with young children." He is correct that, given his age and health, purchasing life insurance would be prohibitive. Needless to say, this is a lot to get our heads around. How do you even divorce an Alzheimer's patient? While he clearly can leave his property to whomever he chooses, we don't think our Mom would want the four of us to be disinherited. How do we deal with our new half siblings? We are ages 35, 34, 31, and 28, so three of us are older than our new stepmother. Your help in getting this all sorted out would be greatly appreciated.

A: You've been through the terrible ordeal of seeing your mother robbed of herself at a tragically young age. Now you have to absorb that your brick of a father was something of a cad. I am sympathetic to people who honor their commitment to a spouse with dementia?who is gone in every way except physically?while also recognizing their own needs to feel vital and among the living. But your father has taken that need to extremes. Starting a new family in his 60s with a woman in her 20s is a shocking development and I understand all of you are reeling. At the least, you like your new stepmother?she's also likely to understand any cultural references you make a lot better than your father does. You can figure out your relationship with your new siblings as you go along. It could be that all of you are so far into your own adult lives and obligations that you don't have time for more than cursory contact with them. Maybe, if any of you have kids, you will welcome this new set of playmates. As for the inheritance, I can understand this is a bitter blow, but it's your father's money to distribute, as you acknowledge. Many people end up with two ailing parents who are financial drains, so consider yourself lucky all of you haven't had to pool your own resources to care for your parents. And do have some sympathy for this brood of children who are going to grow up worrying about how long they'll have a father.

Q. Re: Dead-Dog Dilemma: Keep that secret buried in the yard with the fake dog body! The son sounds like he has some development issues. Tell him it's illegal to dig up a grave, and that the dog was buried in that location because it was his favorite spot in the yard and that it only seems right to keep him there. Then get another dog or a fish for the son. This is ridiculous. Don't come forward with the truth to a 13-year-old, wait until he's in his 30s with hopefully more maturity.

A: This is the consensus response, keep up the fake story. I'm willing to concede a farewell ceremony for Scooter?sans exhumation?may be the right way to go. The parents are in the best position to know if their son is now mature enough to handle hearing what really happened to Scooter and that his parents told a rather cruel fib.

Q. Half vs. Whole Siblings: My ex-husband and his wife are expecting a new baby this winter. My kids are excited but nervous about this new sibling. My daughter is especially wary about being replaced as her dad's "baby." My mom told my kids, within my earshot, that half siblings were different than full siblings, and this made them feel better. I guess my daughter told her stepmother the baby would only be her half sibling, and this really upset my ex's wife. She and my ex had a long talk about how this baby will be her brother or her sister no matter what. Now my kids are confused and even more agitated. My ex wants me to talk to my mom about the "half sibling jibe" but frankly I don't think my mom did anything wrong. Do I need to do anything, here?


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Car bomb kills eight near Turkey's border with Syria

HAKKARI, Turkey (Reuters) - A car bomb a senior Turkish politician blamed on Kurdish separatists exploded near a police station in a city near Turkey's southeastern border with Syria on Monday, killing at least eight people and wounding dozens more.

TV footage from Gaziantep showed a bus and the surrounding area ablaze and smoke billowing into the sky as firemen tried to fight the fire. Ambulances ferried casualties to hospital while anxious residents looked on.

"Unfortunately we lost eight citizens and nearly 60 people are getting treated at several hospitals according to our initial information," Erdal Ata, Gaziantep's governor, told reporters.

The explosion, which officials said was caused by a remote-controlled car bomb, is likely to further strain already tense relations between Turkey and its war-torn neighbor Syria.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but southeastern Turkey is frequently the scene of attacks by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and European Union.

Turkey has accused Syria of supporting the PKK, which launched a separatist insurgency in the region 28 years ago during which more than 40,000 people have been killed.

"The PKK ... is trying to provoke our citizens by targeting the civilian population directly. Our citizens must remain cool-headed," Omer Celik, deputy chairman of the ruling AK Party, wrote in his Twitter account.


Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has tried to limit the impact of the conflict in Syria, where the PKK is exerting growing authority in some border areas. Ankara believes PKK militants are receiving arms from Syrian forces.

The attack came just two days after Turkey began handing out food and other humanitarian aid on the border to refugees fleeing the 17-month-old uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey has opened a center in Gaziantep to receive international aid but is struggling to cope with an influx of almost 70,000 refugees. Before the conflict in Syria halted trade across the border, Gaziantep was a gateway into Turkey for many Syrians.

Turkey initially cultivated good relations with Assad's administration but relations have deteriorated sharply since the Syrian uprising began. Erdogan is now one of Assad's harshest critics and has raised the possibility of military intervention in Syria if the PKK becomes a threat there.

Turkey suspects a major Syrian Kurdish movement, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), of having links with the PKK. Turkish analysts believe Assad let the PYD take control of security of some towns in northern Syria to prevent locals from joining the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Fighting between the Turkish army and PKK militants has intensified in recent weeks in Turkey's southeastern Semdinli district bordering Iran and Iraq.

Suspected PKK members ambushed a Turkish military bus in western Turkey earlier this month, an attack outside the group's regular field of operation in the mainly Kurdish southeast.

Earlier on Monday, two Turkish soldiers were killed by a landmine on a road in southeast Turkey, an attack also believed to have been carried out by PKK militants, security sources said.

(Additional reporting by Ece Toksabay and Daren Butler in Istanbul; Writing by Nick Tattersall; Editing by Andrew Osborn)


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let whole city the all levels lead a staff to develop a Lian government work the christian louboutin clearance statistics circumstance after checked from corrected form."The saying Yao laurel is quiet to take out a data of statistics.The others don?t know the Yao laurel is what mean exactly quiet, clearly study an economy work today and how pulled a Lian government to work again.However the Yao laurel is quiet to publish answer right away."There has been 57 leadership staffs of different classes arriving Ji Wei handing over to need a problem on his/her own initiative after city Wei and city hall united continuation, up to now in less than a month time, I didn?t say their names here, and to their identity our Ji Wei will also give to keep secret.What I meant to say BE, these more than 100 comrades pay corruption to take bribe styles to reach to 1,300 more remaining 10000 dollars on his/her own initiative!Average everybody paid more than 10000 dollars 20!"Once the words sound that the Yao laurel calms down fall and calm down a while on the assembly hall frighten a person, the voice that can hear big big pant of everyone, public you see me, I see you and see Liu Hong Tao and the facial expression that sign is also that one face is startled, even others all not too clear, say nothing of others.Is public later on but suddenly and suddenly and violently, assembly hall then like market general, everyone discusses to this in succession.1,300 remaining ten thousand!Now hope river?s whole city yearly public finance income also however is only a hundred million or so, this then took up 13% of the public finance income a while!Also no wonder that everyone Be getting more shocked.Signs with Liu Hong Tao to also in whisper communicate over there.The others hand over a head more to connect an ear.Only the Yao laurel is quiet such as too Mr. go fishing.It is steady to sit over there.Led in a short while.Xu Li just loudly way:"The comrades send greeting quiet!"The assembly hall calmed down down again."Yao secretary.You say ground, these more than 10000 dollars 1,300 now already all at your Ji Wei?"The Yao laurel is a little bit quiet to nod a way:"Money all exists our Ji Wei ground bank account up.Can adjust to use at any time."Xu Li this just immediately after way:"This money is to really solve we hope a river the ground is critically urgent!However for this money I also very grieved!All hope a river at the grounds landlord main theme to lead a staff.You wanted to have no.This money originally should belong to nationally and belong to people?s ground.But be had for oneself by some corruption Fu wealth member to have.If wasn?t a this city Wei and city hall to make that the great decision wants resolute Cheng to cure**member.These money perhaps can?t also float a surface!However I can also again represent a city Wei and city hall to declare here today!As long as can in the month active arrive Ji Wei to hand over to need a problem before the end and pay illegal income ground.The city Wei and city hallses will don?t need to him to find out who was responsible.However this term only limits the end in month.There are also ten several world time.Led this term.Once checking, you have a problem.So not only can?t there is any face again it is thus clear that.Also aggravate a punishment!"Liu Hong Tao is after Xu Li Jiang finishes.Also way:"The comrades!See this circumstance.I feel keenly grieved!I this city Wei the secretary is unqualified!

Can also see from here we hope a river ground Lian government a christian louboutin clearance constucting still a heavy load through thick and thin!The comrades.Hope you today this time meeting after.Will the argument spirit keep on informing.To those heart bosom by luck the person want to knock for them ring Jing clock.Never wait death bell to face a door.That time but regrets of night Yi!"Xu Li waits Liu Hong Tao to finish saying behind.And then way:"The comrades.Never relax to canvass business to lead to support a work because of this money.This cause everyone is also all understand.So can be been used to meet an emergency.But isn?t a permanent arrangement.We also aren?t likely to accept to come up ground corruption to up and must take bribe a style annually.So canvass business to lead to support a work is us ground to greatly account!Below ask county Wei to do Xue Jian Wei?s director to read out whole citieses to canvass business to lead to support the work reward way ground first draft.Hope everyone hard discusses.Study a related policy.Canvass business my city ground to lead to support a work to make up quickly!Only have our city ground bag son drum.We ground then bag money can summon up!Then everyone?s work can have peace of mind.Then talking can there is bottom spirit.Start to do matter to would have energy!"(The not yet finished treats continuously.If the desire knows that how funeral affairs is.Please land.The chapter is more.Support makes.Support original reading!) You visit now of is ten thousand studios:Welcome to register a customer, enjoy 10 sets of bookcase functions solid concern novel renewal.?The net friend uploads the chapter chapter 364 to sing empty city to account for Ji Wei?s money and hope a public finance income not enough problem of river temporarily Be got to canvass business to lead to support a work but is not a momentary half either will the son can take effect of, so read out to tally up a speech way all of a sudden towards after canvassing business and leading to support the work reward way first draft, Xu Li Zuo at Xue Jian Wei:"The comrades, this time city Wei and city hall but make that the great decision wanted to grasp canvassing business of whole citieseses to lead to support a work, reward way everyone in which listenned to understand, for canvass business to lead the property work has contribution of, we to the position, give reward, but obstruction canvass business to lead a person who support the work, the other party case also holds firmly reviews for a while and suggests more opinion and also wants to gather to think a wide argument at the same time and combines the advantage that we hope a river after holding tight one to severely punish and each section to return to and greatly canvass business, recruit big company, study to usher in item, promote a whole city economic exhibition..The ??? provides the latest chapter reading}>canvass business to lead to support a work reward way soon will at whole city formal announcement, hope to bring about to hope river?s a new economic social exhibition high peak!"After meetinging adjourned,

allow to sign with Yao laurel calm down again arrive at Liu Hong Tao ?s office, after mens christian louboutin coming in, the Yao laurel calms down to like pass in the office door, just way:"Secretary Liu and mayor, the empty city that we sing today accounts to go wrong!Is full to beat now on the Ji Wei bank account full calculate also only not arrive 3,000,000, and mainly is Zheng Jia San?s sisterses the corruption handing in on their own initiative take bribe a style and truely arrive our Ji Wei on our own initiative from of up to now only three people, and is all some classes staff, everybody pays also however several 1000 dollarses."Liu Hong Tao gives a deep sigh a tone way:"This is also to have no the affair of way, the whole city public finance condition can not deceive a person, if make everyone know the public finance condition of whole citieses already bad to this extent, perhaps whole hopes rivers will be agitated.Luckily little Xu Xiang Chu so idea, sang this empty city to account.Provide the latest chapter reading}the problem is to have, however not is problem that get empty city?s account, today?s affair no one dares to ask more, more no one dares to know well to check, they are all urgently wearing to draw a clear distinction with Zheng Jun Po et al now, mean own innocent, the nobody will go toward to sink in this mire pond on one?s own initiative.However we sing of the empty city account, can alleviate temporarily, not ability the true solution problem , once the public finance really had no money, want to adjust to use Ji Wei of this smiles money, how should do by that time?""Do not relate to, living to speak according to Li Jiang of the department of finance, now the bank account of city public finance up still could not have 10,000,000, can also cope with for a while.And he says to very quickly still have the water conservancy facilities construction funds that the water conservancy hall bottom in a province stir to will be good enough right away and has 5,000,000.If really nothing doing words, that also could use first to meet an emergency.And Ji Wei is current 3,000,000 many, if tightly wear to order a flower, can also support for two more months.I have already told Li Jiang to born, if each section in the city again have the amount of money to stir under the superior to all and temporary button up, have no you and my signing, penny money also forbid next stir!"Xu Li is also a Nao head now, hope river?s so big county class City, can whole city the public finance but leave 10,000,000 many, don?t say that the city constucts, be promise that normal operations of each unit of whole city all become a problem."Can this isn?t a permanent arrangement either!Is alas, small allow, is me this city Wei the secretary didn?t do well, let you follow to suffer hardship.So didn?t grasp economic development of hoping the river for several years, gave you a hard nut to crack.You trust, if really want wonderful motionless use a top next stir particularly an item funds, everything has me the crest, certainly would not bring trouble you!Anyway I also want to stand and at most retire in advance, can you in the future but still have a big exhibition, must not carry on the back this stain, otherwise unjust to you!""Secretary Liu, the circumstance has never also arrived you to say so seriously.

The Yao secretary in public announced from personnel?s amount and also had alreadychristian louboutin ankle boots paid Qian Kuan?s amount of money today, I wanted to are also a not small touch to the others and was continuously carry on inquiring into along with the survey set, I think some people soon and then will pay on one?s own initiative from the disorderly hand and foot part of corruption take bribe a style."To sign of words, Liu Hong Tao ?s confidence is obviously not enough, way:"Hope to be such!"Xu Li continues way:"In addition, we can still just Zheng Jun Po?s related industry up arrange somehow.Zheng Jun Po?s related industries all have already been closed to stop now, although Zheng Jun Po is to be not likely to continue again to conduct,we can adopt a some of his excellent industries way of public auction to outsource to go out, let they quickly instauration production, on the other hand can work out the employment problem of the officers and workers of these industries, on the other hand can also be we city increment public finance income."This way?s pouring is at present the most practical viable, Zheng Jun Po now be sealed the industry saving to involve each big realm of mineral, people?s livelihood, and real estate?etc., and mostly is a fixed assets, only are the real estate that these industries of Zheng Jun Po has is a not small number.Along with two years the real estate is big hot, the price of these real estates is also an a day step, if adopt sale, should be able to clap a quite good price."I can also get to province an inside and fight for some funds in city at the same time, we hope a river today difficult circumstance they should also the in the mind contain number, should can?t see dead don?t save!Waiting we to pass through is at present of difficult situation did so much, if can recruit a bigger business enterprise of a few investment quantities this year, by that time we especially the matter do especially and fight for making them produce in those early years, took effect in those early years and paid a tax in those early years, I believe that we hope a river or a meeting more and more okay!"Three ways of Xu Li Di include ground to can take effect right away.There is ground that is a farsighted consideration.However if can carry out smoothly really all.Isn?t only in aid of to hope a river to pass through in the moment this difficult situation.Have a function of nicely arousing towards hoping a river from now on exhibition canning also."Good.Though you let go to do.If appear what problems have me old headman all to undertake!It is alas.These year my within sight river at his but don?t strive for its government.Indulged a person of Zheng Jun Po.Can say is already hope a river ground convict!Hope I can on the last Gang for whole city ground the crowd does some affairs again!"The regrets tunnel of Liu Hong Tao .After 3 people negotiate.Xu Li returned to oneself ground in city hall office.Just sat down.Received soup loose the clear dozen come to ground telephone.Have importantly a circumstance to need with allow to sign a communication.Hope with allow to sign interview.Xu Li also knows for these several days, the soup is loose to take a survey clearly of the set have been interrogating Zheng Jun Po in the custody center.But according to ten thousand Anne the male privately make collective report.


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What Do You Do About a Toxic Friendship? -

I?ve always been an amazing judge of character, but haven?t always made the best decisions as far as relationships and friendships go. I got married at a young age to escape the stress I was under at home, and when that relationship failed I waited a while but got into another toxic relationship. Lots of people talk about abusive relationships, toxic relationships, etc but rarely do I see anything about toxic friendships and I think they are pretty common because any time I mention my situation, the person I?m speaking with always has their own (similar) story to tell.

I met this friend a few years ago because we had a few things in common. I have never been too social or outgoing, so to have someone that I ?clicked? with was great. Over the past few years, I?ve gotten upset with this friend numerous times and tried to stop talking to them, but it seems like we always cross paths again. We live close to each other so it?s bound to happen, but I guess I just think about the ?good? times we had and I forget about all the bad, and I go back. It sounds like an abusive relationship when I think about it.

{9 Signs Your Friendship is Toxic}

This friend only calls or texts me when it?s convenient for her. If she needs something, she calls. If she doesn?t, I won?t hear from her for a while. I think the part that bothers me the MOST is that when we see each other in public, she acts like she doesn?t even know me. After everything I?ve done to help her out ? I?m very helpful by nature, sometimes to a fault ? I would think she?d at least say hi, but it never happens. And when I ask her about it, she says she didn?t see me. I?m the only 6?2? woman in the store ? I promise you saw me when I walked right in front of you. Used to, I?d go out of my way to say hi to her and try to chat with her, but she would just be stuck up and keep on walking. Or if nobody was around she?d say ?hi? quickly and walk off.

{All 5 Warning Signs are THERE that this is a toxic friendship! Scary!}

She?s never happy for me. Anything I accomplish she?s just like ?oh, cool? but I get REALLY excited for her even when she accomplishes something small. I?ve helped her out with a lot of things (not getting specific as this is not a ?call out? post to her), and she?s done little in return. Any time she helps me with even the smallest thing, she holds it over my head for weeks. It?s insane now that I?m writing all of this out. Why in the heck have I not ended this friendship sooner?? Because it?s toxic and that?s how these types of friendships work. :(

I?ve tried to discuss this with her, and let her know how it hurts my feelings, but any time I do she just ignores me. I?ve accepted this person, flaws and all, and figured she did the same with me ? but it seems like she?s embarrassed to be my friend unless it?s convenient for her. She?s not any richer or prettier than I am. She doesn?t have any big connections that would make her have a big head. She?s just stuck up and I?m sick of trying to build a friendship with her. It?s been years now and she still does the same things.

{15 Signs it?s Time to Break Up With A Toxic Friend}

Cutting ties with a toxic friend is hard, though, because they make you feel like they weren?t ignoring you ? or they weren?t avoiding you ? they were just ?busy?. Or they will call you and need you, making you feel important and cared about, and you forget how big of a jerk they were the week before. It?s important to cut ties with a toxic friend for many reasons, but my main reason is for my kids. They see me get so upset over this situation, but I go right back. Over and over again. If they think that is okay, if I raise them thinking that is normal, they are going to think abusive relationships are normal. They?re going to think toxic friendships are normal.

{Value yourself more than your toxic friend does. End the friendship now.}

If you?re reading this and can relate, it?s time to cut ties. This person may be one of your only friends, or it may be convenient to be friends with them because you see each other often, or you may feel like they will be really rude if you cut ties ? but it has to be done. Gather up the strength and write them a letter or visit them and let them know why you?re ending the friendship. Be nice but firm. Let them know you expect them to respect your decision, you wish them the best of luck, etc but for your own sanity, you have to cut ties. Hopefully they will understand that and move on to their next ?friend? that they want to treat like crap.

More Resources

  • More Signs of a Toxic Friendship
  • Recognizing and Dealing with Toxic Friendships

    Have you ever had a toxic friendship? What did you do about it?

  • Source:

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    Saturday, August 18, 2012

    New papal envoy to Israel hopes to foster peace

    VATICAN CITY (AP) ? Pope Benedict XVI has named Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto as a new envoy to Israel, who will also serve as apostolic delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine.

    Lazzarotto, a 70-year-old Italian prelate, told Vatican Radio Saturday that he will do his best "in the cause of dialogue and peace" and said that there are "many men and women of good will who live in the Holy Land."

    Vatican Radio noted that Lazzarotto is familiar with the region, because he first served as a papal envoy in Jordan and Iraq from 1994-2000. His most recent posting had been as papal envoy to Australia.


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    Drama-filled Chinese speed-skating story's Kamloops chapter

    Chinese short-track speed-skating coach Li Yan would like to have her best skater back in the fold, but that decision is not up to her.

    "For our team and for this sport in China, as well, we really want [her] one day to come back and compete for the country again, but we have to wait for the process," Yan told KTW.

    Wang Meng, who won four gold medals at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, was dropped last August from the national team and banned from international and national competition after a physical altercation ? allegedly alcohol-fuelled ? with former team manager Wang Chunlu.

    The dust-up resulted in dozens of stitches for Meng, who is not unfamiliar to controversy.

    According to, Meng was expelled from the national team for six months in 2007 for criticizing a coach's tactics and was last year alleged to have clashed with security guards during a night out in the southwestern Chinese city of Lijiang.

    Chunlu was relieved of her duties after the altercation with Meng and replaced by Liu Hao.

    The out-of-favour skater is again travelling with the national team.

    Meng is in Kamloops training with the Chinese B team, which Yan said is "kind of like a provincial team."

    The A team trained together at McArthur Island Sports Centre between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 16.

    At 3 p.m., the B team, Meng included, took the ice and trained until 5 p.m.

    Neither Yan or Hao wished to speak extensively about Meng's situation.

    "She is trying really hard to prepare for the coming future, but I'm not quite sure about that," Hao said.

    "It's the job of the Chinese Skating Association and also the Chinese Olympic Committee to decide."

    It seems no timetable has been set for Meng's return to international competition.

    Her resume is incredible.

    Two medals ? one silver, one bronze ? at the 2006 Olympics in Turin, Italy, accompany the four golds she won in Vancouver.

    The world-championship section of her medal mantle ? 16 gold, 14 silver and three bronze medals ? isn't lacking hardware, either.

    "It's not easy for an athlete to do that," Yan said.

    "For the coach, me, I wish she could come back and compete for [the] country."


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    Study Shows Ryan Added $6.8 Trillion to Federal Debt During His Time In Congress

    Paul Ryan is no fiscal deficit hawk.

    A Center for American Progress Action Fund analysis shows that Ryan voted to add a grand total of $6.8 trillion to the federal debt during his time in Congress, voting for at least 65 bills that either reduced revenue or increased spending.

    From 2001 to 2008, Congress passed legislation that increased the national deficit by a total of $4 trillion ? the number grows to $6 trillion if you add in the how much those policies have cost through 2011. Ryan voted for 90 percent of these deficit increasing bills.


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    Friday, August 17, 2012

    What Is Colorectal Cancer? | | A Blog about ...

    might not be the most pleasant topic for the dinner table, but it could allow you to have a lot more of those enjoyable evening conversations. Experts estimate that if everyone were , we could save about 20,abercrombie pas cher,ralph lauren femme,000 lives a year. So it?s important to talk about how yours could be one of them.

    What Is Colorectal Cancer?

    is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States.

    Most colorectal cancers arise from small growths inside the colon, called . Not all polyps are pre-cancerous, and most polyps that develop into cancer do so very slowly, which is why screening is so helpful ? finding polyps early,polo femme,abercrombie, and removing them,ralph lauren home, can prevent them from ever turning into cancer. In addition,ralph lauren outlet,abercrombie, finding cancer in its early stages is much easier to treat than in its later stages.

    The biggest risk factors are age ? it is quite rare below age 40 ? and family history.

    How Can I Catch Polyps or Colorectal Cancer Early?

    Screening is recommended for all adults 50-75 years old, and earlier for people with certain risk factors. There are a few different options for screening available, and you can talk with your doctor about what works for you. According to Dr. Lee Green,abercrombie Scientists Eavesdrop Inside the Mind -,abercrombie and fitch paris, professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan,abercrombie and fitch france Karen Travers News St, the most important thing is to be screened,abercrombie and fitch france,ralph lauren, not the method you use. The tests recommended by both Green and by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) are:

    <img src="Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) yearly ? this requires colonoscopy if results are abnormal

    <img src="FOBT every 3 years and sigmoidoscopy every 5 years ? this also requires colonoscopy if abnormal

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    What Do These Tests Involve?

    FOBT: This test is done once a year,ralph lauren italia, and analyzes three stool specimens for tiny, non-visible amounts of blood. You get a kit to take home,polo ralph lauren,abercrombie and fitch paris, and you send the sample in yourself. It is inexpensive,abercrombie and fitch france, easy to do, and offers a simple way to screen.

    If your stool is found to have blood, a colonoscopy is done to see if the blood is due to colon cancer, a polyp, or something else. Most people who have blood on the test do not actually have cancer.

    FOBT plus sigmoidoscopy: A sigmoidoscopy uses a thin tube with a small camera on the end to look at the lower part of your colon. If a polyp is found in this area it can be removed,abercrombie and fitch france,ralph lauren femme, and then a colonoscopy is done to look at the rest of the colon. This test takes about 20 minutes and usually does not require sedation.

    The problem with this test is that it can miss some cancers that are not in the part of the colon it looks at, but some recent studies show that this may not be a big issue. Some experts recommend this test over colonoscopy, because it is cheaper, easier, and may have about the same benefits. Dr. Scott Fields,ralph lauren, professor and vice chair of family medicine at OHSU says, "Given the limited additional benefits,abercrombie and fitch, we are doing our country a disservice to emphasize the benefits of colonoscopy when there is an easier screening test available at about 10 percent of the cost."

    Colonoscopy: In this test,abercrombie and fitch Best Moments of Saturday Nig,ralph lauren femme, a small tube with a camera on the end is used to look at the length of your colon. Medications are often given during the procedure to relax you and to decrease any discomfort. The whole test usually takes about 30-60 minutes,abercrombie france, but only about eight minutes to look at the whole colon.ralph lauren femme


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    Procura Appoints Rebecca MacKinnon Vice-President, Sales for U.S. Division


    Procura Appoints Rebecca MacKinnon Vice-President, Sales for U.S. Division
    Friday, August 17, 2012

    Website | News Archive

    Vancouver, BC, August 17, 2012--(T-Net)--Procura announced today that they have hired Rebecca MacKinnon to lead the sales of the Procura product line in the United States. Rebecca was the CEO/Founder of BeyondNow Technologies and is credited for her visionary leadership in the development of home health and hospice technology solutions.?BeyondNow was acquired by the Cerner Corporation.

    As Vice-President, Sales for the U.S. Division, Rebecca will focus on business development for the Procura product line, build strategic relationships with flagship accounts and partners, and provide the leadership required to serve the changing environment of home health, hospice and other post acute services in the emerging healthcare system.?

    "Rebecca is among the minority of people who you can say is a true visionary in the homecare and hospice information technology field," said Warren Brown, President of the Procura Group of Companies. "Her understanding, experience, and influence on the industry is highly respected, and there is no person better to lead our U.S. efforts. We are very excited to welcome Rebecca to the Procura family and look forward to how she will help both our company and our clients."

    Rebecca began her career as a project manager and IS Administrator with the Kansas City Hospice. In 1993 she was made Chief Operating Officer with KCH Computer Systems, and the next year she founded BeyondNow Technologies. In 2003, the company was acquired by the Cerner Corporation and BeyondNow was made their solution for the home health care market. Subsequently Rebecca was made Cerner's Vice President of Community Solutions. In 2006 she took on entrepreneurial initiatives as a Partner with Sophia, LLC, a company engaged in researching the patient and family caregiver experience and the impact on the dynamically changing healthcare system. Since 2007, Rebecca has been a Partner with 5th Dimension Technologies, which helps emerging technologies develop business strategies and revenue models.


    Procura is the software vendor of choice for home, community and aged care organizations across North America and Australia.?Over 6,000 users at more than 350 customer sites use Procura to manage over 100,000 employees.?Our customers include four of the five largest national providers of care in Canada, Kaiser Permanente and Interim HealthCare in the U.S.A. and the four largest providers of care in Australia. Procura is headquartered in Victoria, BC and has offices in Chicago, IL, Boca Raton, FL, and Toowong, QLD.

    Procura provides a fully integrated back office, clinical and mobility solution that decreases costs, and enables your organization to improve the quality of care.?Our workforce management tools, clinical content and business intelligence provide efficiencies and controls that will help you drive your organization towards stability and growth.

    For more information about Procura, please contact Carl Queton at 1.877.776.2872 or visit our website at?



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    Vaccine targets malignant brain cancer antigens, significantly lengthens survival

    Vaccine targets malignant brain cancer antigens, significantly lengthens survival

    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    An experimental immune-based therapy more than doubled median survival of patients diagnosed with the most aggressive malignant brain tumor, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center researchers reported in Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, published online Aug. 3.

    Median survival in a Phase I clinical trial at Cedars-Sinai's Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. Brain Tumor Center was 38.4 months, significantly longer than the typical 14.6-month survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma receiving standard therapy alone, which includes radiation and chemotherapy.

    Median progression-free survival ? the time from treatment to tumor recurrence ? was 16.9 months, compared to the typical 6.9 months with standard care.

    The study included 16 newly diagnosed patients who could be properly evaluated between May 2007 and January 2010. At later follow-up, six patients (38 percent) ? ranging from 49 to 66 months post-treatment ? showed no evidence of tumor recurrence and were free of disease without current active treatment. Eight patients remained alive.

    "Brain tumors evade the immune system to survive, and the vaccine is intended to alert the immune system to the existence of cancer cells and activate a tumor-killing response. We also are targeting cells that we believe generate and perpetuate cancers," said Keith L. Black, MD, chair and professor of Cedars-Sinai's Department of Neurosurgery, director of the Cochran Brain Tumor Center and director of the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute, where the vaccine was researched and developed. Black is the Ruth and Lawrence Harvey Chair in Neuroscience.

    The vaccine's latest version, ICT-107, targets six antigens (HER2/neu, TRP-2, gp100, MAGE-1, IL13R?2 and AIM-2) involved in the development of glioblastoma cells. All patient tumors had at least three of the targeted antigens; 74 percent of tumors had all six. Patients with tumors that expressed large amounts of MAGE-1, AIM-2, gp100 and HER2 had better immune responses and longer progression-free survival rates, suggesting that these antigens may be particularly vulnerable to the vaccine.

    The researchers also found evidence that the vaccine attacks some brain cancer stem cells, considered the original source of tumor cells. These self-renewing cells appear to enable tumors to resist radiation and chemotherapy and even regenerate after treatment. Cancer stem cells are especially appealing targets: killing the stem cells is believed to improve the chances of destroying a tumor and preventing its recurrence.

    "The correlation of clinical responses to the level of antigen expression gives us confidence in our belief that a strong immunologic response is linked to clinical outcome. This finding supports our previous finding that immune responses are correlated to survival," commented John S. Yu, MD, vice chair of the Department of Neurosurgery, director of the Brain Tumor Center, professor of neurosurgery and senior author of the article.

    Three of the tumor-associated antigens (HER2/neu, TRP-2 and AIM-2) are found not only on brain tumor cells but also on brain cancer stem cells, and the researchers reported that a protein (CD133) associated with cancer stem cells was decreased or eliminated from tumors of some vaccinated patients whose glioblastomas returned after treatment.

    "Previous studies showed an increase in CD133 expression in patients who underwent treatment with radiation and chemotherapy. Our findings suggest that targeting antigens that are highly expressed by cancer stem cells may be a viable strategy for treating patients who have glioblastoma," said Surasak Phuphanich, MD, director of the Neuro-Oncology Program at the Cochran Brain Tumor Center and professor of neurology with Cedars-Sinai's Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Neurology.

    Phuphanich and Christopher J. Wheeler, PhD, principal investigator in the Immunology Program at the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute and associate professor of neurosurgery, are first authors of the article.

    Cedars-Sinai's first dendritic cell vaccine began Phase I experimental treatments in May 1998. With the ability of the latest version, ICT-107, to stimulate a targeted and controlled immune response established in this Phase I study, the vaccine moved into a Phase II multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 2011. Enrollment in the Phase II trial is expected to be completed in September 2012.

    Dendritic cells are the immune system's most powerful antigen-presenting cells ? those responsible for helping the immune system recognize invaders. They are derived from white blood cells taken from the patient in a routine blood draw. In the laboratory, the cells are cultured with synthetic peptides of the six antigens ? essentially training the dendritic cells to recognize the tumor antigens as targets.

    When the "new" dendritic cells in the vaccine are injected under the patient's skin in the armpit, they are intended to seek and destroy lingering tumor cells. Vaccine is administered three times at two-week intervals after standard radiation and chemotherapy.

    ICT-107 is a product of the biotechnology company ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd. Keith L. Black, MD, chair of Cedars-Sinai's Department of Neurosurgery, director of the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute, director of the Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. Brain Tumor Center and the Ruth and Lawrence Harvey Chair in Neuroscience, is chairman of the company's scientific advisory board. John S. Yu, MD, vice chair of the Department of Neurosurgery, director of the Brain Tumor Center, director of Surgical Neuro-Oncology and surgical director of the Gamma Knife Center at Cedars-Sinai, is chief scientific officer and chairman of the board. Yu and another author are salaried employees of the company and own stock in it; Black and another author are consultants for the company and stock owners. Certain rights in the dendritic cell vaccine technology and corresponding intellectual property have been exclusively licensed by Cedars-Sinai to ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, including subsequently developed versions of the vaccine investigated in this clinical study. Cedars-Sinai also owns stock in the company.


    Cedars-Sinai Medical Center:

    Thanks to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for this article.

    This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

    This press release has been viewed 17 time(s).


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    A Legal Insurance Policy Website Reaches Out through Online Web

    You are here: Home // Miscellaneous // A Legal Insurance Policy Website Reaches Out through Online Web Presence Offering Legal Shield.

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    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    Concerts on the Green: Rusty! - Mayes Harris Team Real Estate

    On Sunday, August 19, one of my dear friends, Rusty Knox, will be playing with his band on Davidson?s Town Green, as part of their Concerts on the Green series.? His family and mine go back so many years, and I am really happy that he has had so much success with his music.? He?s so talented ? the lyrics of his songs really come from his heart.? The musicians he plays with Dwight Burks (who plays many instruments), Gregory Miller (plays the bass), Brian Burton (drums), Adam Moore (drums), and Mike Orlando (mandolin) are really something special.

    The Concerts on the Green series is another part of Davidson?s community that makes this town such a special place to live.? Here?s more information on Rusty at Be sure to set out your chairs on the green early in the day to reserve your space!?



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    Wen says China still can meet growth target

    BEIJING (AP) ? China's premier says the country should meet this year's economic targets but is warning hardship could continue for some time and trade conditions will be grim.

    During a visit Wednesday to eastern China, Premier Wen Jiabao cited a small improvement in industrial output and said employment is stable, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

    The report gave no direct indication whether Beijing might be considering more interest rate cuts or other stimulus measures to boost growth that slumped to a three-year low of 7.6 percent in the quarter ending in June. That is relatively robust compared with the United States, Europe and Japan but has hurt Chinese companies that depend on higher growth to drive sales.

    "We have the conditions and capabilities, and will be sure to fulfill this year's economic and social development targets," Wen was quoted as saying.

    However, he also "warned that the foundation for economic stabilization is still unstable, and that economic hardships may continue for some time."

    The government has cut rates twice since the start of June and is pumping money into the economy through higher investment by state companies. Authorities are resisting calls for more aggressive action after their huge stimulus in response to the 2008 global crisis fueled inflation and a wasteful building boom.

    The ruling Communist Party's growth target for the year is 7.5 percent. Private sector analysts expect full-year growth of about 8 percent.

    The slowdown raises the risk of job losses and unrest at a time when the ruling party is trying to enforce calm ahead of a handover of power this year to younger leaders.

    Analysts initially expected China's relatively robust economy to recover starting early this year but have pushed back that time frame following a drumbeat of bad news from Europe and the United States.

    Export growth in July collapsed to 1 percent, well below already anemic forecasts of about 5 percent, and factory output and consumer spending weakened despite the stimulus efforts.

    The slump is due in part to government efforts in 2010-11 to cool overheating and inflation with lending and investment curbs. Chinese leaders reversed course last year and eased some controls after global demand plunged but have kept in place controls on home purchases and investment to prevent overbuilding and a surge in housing costs.

    Wen called on local authorities to "carry out work in line with new conditions and local realities," Xinhua said, without giving details.

    The premier pointed to improvements in some areas where the plunge in sales has driven thousands of small exporters out of business.

    Wen said industrial production in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces in the southeast and Jiangsu, north of Shanghai, rose by 1.4, 1.9 and 0.7 percentage points in July compared with output in the first half.

    The premier said the national economy created 8.12 million new urban jobs in the first seven months of the year, an increase of 390,000 from the same period of last year.

    Wen warned company managers they "should be prepared for a relatively long period of grim foreign trade," according to Xinhua.

    The government set a target of a 10 percent trade growth this year. Trade grew 9.2 percent in the first half of the year but the full-year target looks increasingly difficult to meet.


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    Completely different Strategies of Social Network Marketing | Online ...

    social media marketing Completely different Strategies of Social Network Marketing

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    A few of the most recognized community advertising tools are Facebook, My Space and LinkedIn. Twitter became common place for individuals who have newly entered the sector of social community marketing.

    Different social networking advertising methods are as follows.

    1. Blogging: While you start Running a blog or posting your data about any product, you possibly can see much less response from clients. Later it is going to change into large business by way of blog. Web sites and blogs are strongest instruments for social network marketing when matched with different networking tools. Blog is an incredible instrument which provides many different services along with just advertising your business. It also helps you to talk with different purchasers in case you probably have any problems.

    2. Private web site or blog: It is very important have private web site in case you are a freelancer. Your web site will assist your purchasers to know about you and it?ll make them clear that you are a critical freelance marketer and help to make big income by way of online marketing.

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    8. Search Engine Optimization: It improves the visitors to your web site by offering high quality net content. It makes use of RSS feeds and plenty of search engine optimisation techniques.

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