Friday, October 12, 2012

California gasoline stocks rose even as prices surged

(Reuters) - California's refiners increased their stockpiles of gasoline by more than 5 percent last week, despite a drop in production that fuelled an unprecedented spike in prices, state data showed on Thursday.

Total inventories of specially made ultra-clean CARBOB fuel rose to more than 5 million barrels for the first time in four weeks, although supplies were still 8 percent lower than a year ago, according to data from the California Energy Commission for the week to October 5, which was one day after prices peaked.

It said refiners produced 6.3 million barrels of the fuel, 5.6 percent less than a week before, but about the same as last year. Total refinery runs dipped by just 1.3 percent.

The data, which is in line with broader federal government figures released earlier in the day, sheds new light on the record surge in California's wholesale gasoline prices last week, when spot market premiums surged by more than $1 a gallon and pushed retail rates to over $5 in some places.

The figures generally support the idea that unexpected refinery outages triggered a brief bout of panic buying in a market already tight due to low inventories. Traders also say that a shortage of summer-quality fuel exacerbated the problem as many refiners were already stocking up on winter-grade fuel. The data doesn't break down gasoline by specification.

"CARBOB was tight, all other grades of gasoline were well supplied," said one trader, who asked not to be identified.

But the rise in stockpiles also shows that supplies were not uniformly tight, potentially spurring more questions from politicians who are calling for a federal investigation into possibly nefarious trading during the period.

The slight drop in utilization corresponds with a glitch at Exxon Mobil Corp's 149,500 barrels-per-day (bpd) refinery in Torrance, California, which accounts for nearly 8 percent of the state's capacity. On October 1, the refinery suffered a blackout that traders say spooked the market. Operations are only now resuming in full.

CARBOB premiums have tumbled this week just as quickly as they rose, aided by California Governor Jerry Brown's decision on Sunday to allow an immediate switch to "winter-blend" fuel that refiners can produce more readily.

On Thursday, gasoline's differential in the Los Angeles wholesale market rose just 4.5 cents to 45 cents, only a bit higher than a month ago. The premium had surged to as much as $1.45 last week, the highest on record.


Earlier in the day, the Energy Information Administration's (EIA) weekly supply and demand report showed that refiners in the PADD 5 region, which includes California, Washington and Oregon, as well as seven refineries in Alaska and Hawaii, saw their total utilization rate dip by 1.2 percentage points to 83 percent. That is the lowest rate since May, but still up from near 77 percent a year ago.

It also showed that net production of finished motor gasoline by refiners and blenders actually rose last week to 1.57 million barrels-per-day, suggesting that other plants may have compensated for any outages.

Overall, West Coast (PADD 5) gasoline stocks fell just 231,000 barrels last week to 26.4 million barrels, according to the EIA. It was the lowest level since mid-August, one week after the Chevron Corp refinery in Richmond -- the state's second largest -- lost its main refining unit.

Because of California's specific fuel qualities, gasoline produced in nearby states cannot be sold in the state's gas stations. California refiners also export to Mexico gasoline that does not meet the state's stringent standards, which may have further distorted the weekly government data.

Throughout the week, traders said the shortages were concentrated in the Los Angeles area and seemed to affect one refiner, Tesoro Corp, which was caught in a "short squeeze" by its competitors.

"That's a weekly change in inventory and doesn't address some physical players getting caught short that did lead prices up," said another trader.

(Reporting by Selam Gebrekidan and Erwin Seba)


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Stem Cell Treatment Found Effective For Rare Brain Disorder

These boys were said to have taken immunosuppressants for nine months before beinig injected with the stem cells. Given this, and that the disorder is genetic, I'm assuming the stem cells are from an external source.

Since the stem cells are turning into neurons, I wonder how this will affect them in the future. Would the neurons remain without immunosuppressants? Or would the boys slowly lose these foreign cells growing up, and ultimately revert back to their original selves.

The nervous sytem is a dangerous thing to manipulate. The effects could range from nothing to the boys taking on traits of their donor. While it's great stem cells can provide relief for this disorder, I hesitate to call it a cure. And if things go south later in their lives, it may very well be a curse.


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How will Nobel Prize handle Higgs hassle?

CMS Collaboration / CERN

The Large Hadron Collider's CMS Collaboration gets its collective picture taken in front of a full-scale picture of the CMS detector at Europe's CERN particle physics lab. More than 3,000 scientists, engineers and students are involved in the CMS Collaboration, and just about that many more are involved in the collaboration for the LHC's other primary detector, ATLAS.

By Alan Boyle

The Higgs boson received nary a mention at this year's Nobel Prize proceedings ? and although the Higgs hunt has been the biggest news in physics over the past year, there are good reasons for the silence. Next year, however, the Nobel committee could have a huge Higgs hassle on its hands. And maybe that's a good thing.

Some observers think the conundrum surrounding a potential physics prize for the Higgs boson could lead the Nobel committee to make some long-overdue changes. And that, in turn, could change the public perception of how science is done.

First, here's the main reason why this year's discovery of a "Higgs-like particle" wasn't Nobel-worthy this year, even though it validated a 40-year quest: The key breakthrough came to light in July, when the teams behind the Large Hadron Collider's two main experiments ? ATLAS and CMS???declared that they had enough data to merit an official discovery of a new subatomic particle. That's well past the traditional deadline for nominations, and although deadlines can be bent, the findings still need to be firmed up.

MIT physicist Frank Wilczek, who won a share of the 2004 Nobel Prize for his theoretical work on the strong nuclear force, said as much in an interview with LiveScience's Clara Moskowitz: "There are ways to stretch the rules, but evidently the relevant decision-makers felt that there was not sufficient reason to do so in this case."

Wilczek added that a Nobel Prize recognizing the theoretical underpinnings behind the Higgs boson was "the odds-on favorite for next year."

Too soon?
Usually, the committee in charge of awarding the physics prize waits until a breakthrough becomes so much a part of the scientific mainstream that there's no doubt about its truth and its value. That's the way it was this year, when French physicist Serge Haroche and American physicist David Wineland were honored for work in quantum optics that they pioneered 20 years ago.

When it comes to the Higgs, however, the clock is ticking: British physicist Peter Higgs ?who lent his name to the theory, the field and the particle that would explain the origins of particle mass?? is 83 years old. Other contributors to the theory are of a similar age. The theory itself was developed in the 1960s, and the real marvel is that Higgs and his colleagues were proven so right, so long after they came up with the idea.

But tradition dictates that the prize can be shared by no more than three individuals, who all have to be alive (although that rule was bent last year). Besides Peter Higgs, who should be in on the glory? Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Carroll, who has just finished a book about the Higgs quest titled "The Particle at the End of the Universe," says French physicist Francois Englert is the best candidate for the second spot. Several others have valid claims on the third spot, however. And then, how about recognizing the thousands of physicists who worked on the LHC collaborations?

This is the sort of quandary that has tied physicists in knots for years. Wilczek himself has said he's using the "no more than three" rule as a key plot device in a murder mystery he's writing, tentatively titled "The Attraction of Darkness." It's about a team of four physicists who discover the true nature of dark matter, and find themselves up for a Nobel Prize. "One of the four dies, supposedly a suicide, but then, maybe not," he told The New York Times.

Do the right thing
The way Carroll sees it, the Higgs hassle provides a perfect opportunity for the Nobel committee members to change their tradition ? and ruin the premise of Wilczek's novel in the process.

"They can do the right thing, and stop insisting that only three people can win it," Carroll told me. "Maybe that's something they can talk about over the next 365 days."

Carroll isn't alone on this: This week, Scientific American's editors urged the Nobel Foundation to change its ways, either by merely throwing out the "no more than three" rule, or by allowing the prize to be awarded to groups as well as individuals. Etienne Klein, a physicist at France's Atomic Energy Commission, was quoted as saying the Nobel committee should "take a gamble" and award a Nobel to Higgs, Englert and Europe's CERN particle physics center, which manages the LHC. Columbia University's Peter Woit, the blogging mathematician behind "Not Even Wrong," favored going with CERN plus the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.

Some might think recognizing groups rather than individuals would represent a dilution of Nobel prestige?? but it can easily be argued that the change would bring the scientific prizes in line with the practice for the Nobel Peace Prize, which is routinely awarded to organizations ranging from the International Committee of the Red Cross?(1917, 1944, 1963)?to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?(2007).

The change could also shift the popular perception of the scientific process ??away from the image of a scientist slaving away alone in a basement lab, and toward a more complex picture of scores, hundreds or thousands of researchers working together, connected via global networks. In short, the picture that actually reflects how science is usually done nowadays.

Do you agree? If not, why not? If so, what's the best way to convince the Nobel committee to make a noble change? Feel free to weigh in with your comments below.

More about the Nobel and the Higgs:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

How Many ?Next Silicon Valleys? Are There?

Each place on this map has been referred to as the "New Silicon Valley" by journalists or bloggers.

?Maximize Map?

?Minimize Map?

Bangalore, India

New York Times

Excerpt: Bangalore's flourishing outsourcing companies, including Infosys Technologies and Wipro, have attracted worldwide attention with their global clients and tens of thousands of workers. Full article



Excerpt: Sometimes it seems like the entrepreneurial spirit of young Berliners is confined to slacker hipsters selling used clothes to each other. But appearances can be deceiving. Full article



Excerpt: Mark Zuckerberg: 'Honestly, if I were starting now I would have just stayed in Boston.' Full article

Brno, Czech Republic

Leaders Magazine

Excerpt: Thanks to its placement in the heart of Europe, at the border with Slovakia and Austria, but mainly thanks to the brain power of its fresh university graduates, Brno, the second largest Czech city, has the potential to become an innovation hub in Central and Eastern Europe. Full article

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Next Web

Excerpt: On the downside, capital is scarce in a country that is still recovering from its 2001 crisis and the internal market is relatively small. Full article


Steve Blank

Excerpt: Saying that you support entrepreneurship and innovation is a start, but the sentence needs to be finished. Entrepreneurship and innovation in what field? Full article



Excerpt: Tech job openings rose 82% in Detroit, with companies like Google and Ford hiring engineers in droves Full article


Global Post

Excerpt: Consumers have taken quickly to smartphones and tablet computers, and digital design is far cheaper than in Silicon Valley and increasingly more affordable than in China and India Full article


The Atlantic

Excerpt: The government intends to create a Special Economic Zone to encompass [Konza Technology City], which is planned for development through a public-private partnership. In total, it's expected to be a $7 billion project. Full article

Long Island, N.Y.

Times Beacon Record

Excerpt: The main obstacle is how spread-out Long Island is and bringing people together. Full article

Los Angeles


Excerpt: Over the last three years the Los Angeles region has quietly built momentum, establishing the foundation to become the next hub for technology entrepreneurship. Full article

New York City

Excerpt: "We understand that we will not catch up to Silicon Valley overnight," Bloomberg said in a speech. "Building a state-of-the-art campus will take years#8212;and attracting a critical mass of technology entrepreneurs may take even longer." Full article

Perth, Australia

Yahoo News

Excerpt: Perth could rival technology research giants California and New York by 2050 if resources companies paid one per cent of pre-tax profits into a perpetual fund. Full article


KTAR Arizona

Excerpt: A number of California companies have already relocated here. Full article

Sao Paulo

Washington Post

Excerpt: By the end of this decade, we will see some Mark Zuckerbergs emerging from the slums of Sao Paulo or New Delhi, India or Valparaiso, Chile. Why, you ask? Because entrepreneurs are doing what governments can't#8212;creating innovation ecosystems. Full article


Venture Beat

Excerpt: Cost of gas, energy, and real estate (not to mention natural beauty) are just some of the reasons why the Emerald city is not only one of the best places in the country to live, but also one of the most attractive places for startups to bootstrap or for bigger companies to make the hires necessary to scale their operations. Full article

Shenzhen, China


Excerpt: The development of Shenzhen is the epitome of China when it comes to reform and modernization. Full article


The Telegraph

Excerpt: While having a market of just five million people, investors usually park their money in Singapore but then invest in much bigger markets close by, such as Indonesia. Full article

Skolkovo, Russia

The Economist

Excerpt: Russia is a tough place to work. ... [T]ry to think of a Russian who has grown rich by inventing something and you'll probably think of someone like Sergey Brin of Google, who moved to America when he was six. Full article


Sydney Morning Herald

Excerpt: Over 17,000 Australians are said to be spread across the San Francisco Bay area, and at least 65 start-ups in and around Silicon Valley were either created in Australia or have an Aussie founder. Full article

The Middle East

New York Times

Excerpt: The region remains averse to risk, and only a cultural change will foster the entrepreneurial spirit needed to emulate Silicon Valley's success. Full article

Waterloo region, Canada

Cantech Letter

Excerpt: The region is now home to more than 850 tech firms and employs nearly 30,000. Full article


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Tahoe Donner Real Estate Closings | Truckee Real Estate, Tahoe ...

Tahoe Donner Real Estate ? Sep? 2012


The following Figure shows Tahoe Donner Homes Single Family Home activity from Jan 2008 through Sep 2012.

The data is obtained from the Tahoe MLS published data. Note, this data is for single family homes only ? contact me for data on Tahoe Donner Condos, Lot Sales or data for other Truckee or Lake Tahoe areas.?

Tahoe Donner is a great area to study for market activity since it is has over 5000 homes and therefore presents a large database for meaningful statistical analysis. Home prices vary from roughly $300K to over $1.5M and ages range from brand new to over 30 years old.


?image001 truckee real estate tahoe donner real estate

Tahoe Donner Single Family Home Closings ? Jan ?08 to Sep ?12


Tahoe Donner Homes ? Sep ?12 Closings

Single Family home closings in Sep ?12 were 23 homes compared to 26 last month and 27 the month before. Note that sales in Tahoe Donner are extremely seasonal and year to year comparisons are significant to get a valid picture of typical sales activity.

Regarding other activity, there are 3 pending, 39 contingent and 11 active contingent short sales with offers in the works. We can expect an increased level of closings for the rest of the year. From a seasonality point of view Jan is typically the slowest month of the year with increasing sales through the rest of the year. Keep in mind the difference between closings and when the contract is signed can be 4-8 weeks for open and close of escrow for standard sales and longer for short sales and REOs.



Tahoe Donner Homes ? Inventory?

The number of Single Family listings was 84 listings at the end of Sep, down from 108 in Jul up from and 129 in Jun. When you consider we have approximately 5000 single family homes in Tahoe Donner, inventory continues to be very low ? ?only 1.7% of the homes in TD. Inventory for this time period, Sep, is lower than the last 4 years ? should result in rising prices.


Tahoe Donner Homes ? Days on Market (DOM)

Average Days on Market (DOM) was 114 days, which increased from 55 days last month. This is due to reduced inventory and therefore some homes selling that have been on the market for months.



?image002 truckee real estate tahoe donner real estate

Tahoe Donner Single Family Home Median and Average Home Price ? Jan ?08 to Sep ?12


Tahoe Donner Homes ? Average and Median Prices

Average price was $581K and the median price was $520K.


Average Price per Sq Ft

Average price per sq ft was $243 in Sep.


Sold Price vs. Last Listed Price

Historic average sold to last list price tends to be 94 to 96% of last listed price. In Sep it was 96% ? buyers are paying a bit closer to listed price. So, when you are buying or selling keep this average number in mind.

?image003 truckee real estate tahoe donner real estate

Tahoe Donner Real Estate ? Single Family Home Closings ? Jan 2010 through Sep 2012

So, what?s the net-net of this picture for home prices in Tahoe Donner? Firstly, the low end home sales are still active ? especially in Sep with 35% of sales being for homes less than $500K and 74% being <$700K. Sales for <$900K homes were notably strong in Sept ? 22% of the total.

I also looked at change in price per sq ft for the various price bands. See my blog at for a post about Tahoe Donner distressed sales analysis to see that the low end sales are where the distressed home activity is significant.


Cash buyers are still out in force ? 10 of the 23 sales were all cash deals (43%) ? investors are active.


I hope this data, presented in this form was useful to you. MLS data is available and I encourage the buyer or seller to study the data and arrive at their own conclusions before making a buy or sell decision. Contact me if you would like to discuss these results or see additional data. Prices per sq ft can be a big issue and needs to be understood. This figure of merit for a home has been relatively well behaved for high end homes and very volatile for homes less than $500K, where distressed sales are significant. Call me if you have questions about this.



image004 truckee real estate tahoe donner real estate




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DIY Club Deco Art Candles | | DIY Show Off ? - DIY Decorating and ...

Today I?m sharing two Deco Art projects at the DIY Club:

Patio Paints and Patio Paints Home & Garden Stencil?

Thrifty Candlestick Transformation


wooden candlesticks


colorful DIY candlesticks

and Decoupaged Chandelier?

decoupaged candle chandelier

DIY Club

Reminder: LAST DAY!!!

I?ll be drawing the winner first thing tomorrow morning. There?s still time to enter to win!

Granite Gold cleaning kit & $50 Bed, Bath & Beyond gift card

granite gold products?Bed Bath & Beyond gift card

This entry was posted in Crafts, DIY Club, home decor, Lighting, Roeshel's Projects, Thrifty Treasures and tagged candlesticks, Decoupage, DIY Club, Roeshel's Life, Thrifty Treasures by Roeshel. Bookmark the permalink.


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Some of Sandusky's jurors hoping for life sentence

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) ? Jerry Sandusky should be sent to prison for life when a judge sentences him Tuesday, according to several of the jurors who convicted the former Penn State assistant coach of molesting several boys over a period of years.

None of the jurors interviewed by The Associated Press said they have had second thoughts about their June verdict, and several plan to attend the sentencing.

"There isn't a sentence that I believe is harsh enough for what he has done and how it has affected the university," said Joan Andrews, a juror who has worked for Penn State for 41 years and held football season tickets since 1969. "I don't think there's been one individual in this entire campus that has not been affected by this."

Four jurors said they plan to be in the courtroom when Sandusky, 68, learns the penalty for sexually abusing boys he met through a charity for at-risk children. Sandusky's own attorney expects his client to be handed a long sentence from Judge John Cleland after conviction on 45 counts.

Although a list of jurors has not been released by Cleland, the AP was able to contact five of them. They said they recently received a letter from the court informing them about the sentencing and offering to have a court official meet them outside the courthouse.

A court system spokesman said the jurors are guaranteed a seat but won't necessarily be sitting together.

Only one of the five, retired Penn State soil sciences professor Daniel D. Fritton, said he would not attend.

"I'd just like to stay out of the limelight, for one thing," Fritton said. "I figure I could read in the paper what happens."

Gayle Barnes, a homemaker and former school district employee, said she thinks a lot about the victims, particularly the eight who testified against Sandusky and provided what she considers the critical evidence of guilt. She said he deserves life in prison.

"I do still feel good, what we as jurors did," Barnes said. "I didn't go there saying off the bat he's guilty. I needed to listen to every single thing that was said."

Barnes said she has been in touch with a fifth juror and an alternate juror who also plan to attend the sentencing.

High school science teacher Joshua Harper, who has bachelor's and master's degrees from Penn State, said that he takes pride in having served on the jury, and that the guilty verdict was not a close call. He wants Sandusky "put away for the rest of his life, really."

"This is what prisons are for, you know," Harper said. "I mean, I don't think you let a guy loose like that."

He also felt the victim testimony was pivotal.

"It was such a consistent pattern of behavior," Harper said. "It was just so solid. The defense was just so thin. There was no evidence that these kids were lying. Even the minor inconsistencies that the defense tried to bring up ? and did bring up ? that made it more convincing."

Through a relative, juror Ann T. Van Kuren said she also plans to attend.

Barnes and Harper both said they hoped to learn more about what Penn State officials did or did not do in 1998 and 2001 after getting complaints about Sandusky showering with boys. That was a major theme of the report issued to Penn State this summer by Louis Freeh, the former FBI director, and is likely also to arise during civil litigation by Sandusky's victims against the university.

"We don't know the whole story to this whole thing yet," said Barnes, a Nittany Lions fan who felt so strongly that Joe Paterno's statue should remain in place that she went to the scene outside Beaver Stadium the day it was removed in July, about a month after the verdict. "I just felt like they jumped ship, they didn't do the right thing, that they needed more information. What's going to happen if Curley and Schultz are found not guilty?"

Tim Curley, the school's athletic director on leave, and Gary Schultz, a retired vice president, are awaiting trial on charges they did not properly report suspected abuse and lied to the grand jury that investigated Sandusky. Paterno, the school's Hall of Fame coach, was fired after Sandusky was arrested in November and died of lung cancer in January.

The names of Curley, Schultz and even Paterno did not come up in deliberations, Andrews said.

"I don't know what to think about Curley and Schultz," she said. "I think Joe Paterno was and is and has been falsely accused of many things. I don't think the man was informed of the detail for him to understand how serious this was."

Sandusky's sentencing on Tuesday will begin with Cleland determining whether he qualifies as a sexually violent predator, a status that would require lifetime registration if he is ever paroled.


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Career guidance benefits thousands - The Standard

The City Street Career Guidance Show, which was part of Ranche House College?s free community benefit scheme, resulted in more than 10 000 people from different walks of life getting first-hand information and assistance on careers and training options.

The head of training at Ranche House College, Simion Mupunga, confirmed that the exhibition, which took place between September 24-29 2012 along first street, was a great success, owing to high organisational skills of the exhibiting team and the public?s dire need for career information.

?It is not surprising that a lot of people came at our stand during the week-long free career guidance show because information has been a missing link in choosing lasting and rewarding careers.

?Information is power. someone must think left, then right and decide high because careers are lifetime choices that have to be made carefully?, Mupunga said.

He said that colleges must not only have a responsibility of delivering lectures, but should go an extra mile to examine student potential and link it with the best rewarding career.

Mupunga in the past weeks urged colleges to be community developers than registration takers.

?It is in the same spirit that as Ranche House College, we prioritise mutually beneficial interests above any other desire.
?This event was worthwhile to help and benefit the society. nothing is a waste of time if one uses the experience wisely. We shall have more of these events. over and above, we will have the US$45 dollar fees promotion on all courses run for October and November intakes?.

Commenting on the high turnout, he said, ?the response was amazing.It was surprising to notice that many people did not know the benefits of clothing and textile technology courses and were very much interested in studying towards these courses that will create for them self-employment and empowerment. in particular, people were enthused by Wedding Decor, Interior Decor, Fashion design and Bridal wear.

The co-ordinators were very happy at the response and the number of students who needed assistance in various disciplines.

?The event was a great success. the School of Business Studies and Social Sciences had well-designed career information, which aimed at those who wanted to pursue careers in import and export, community development, HIV and Aids, Marketing, Business Management and PR, to mention a few?, said Kautare of the School of Business Studies and Social sciences.

The School of ICT co-ordinator, Simbarashe Maworera, said, ?we made people understand that ICT is becoming the future and encouraged people to undertake courses in Computer Engineering and Computing and Information Systems. the response rate was great?.

Prospective students who were asked to comment said this was a unique experience.

?We have not had a chance to weigh our areas of strength, but this was just a unique opportunity and now I know that I will do Interior Decor and Wedding Decor,? said one lady who preferred anonymity.
Bertha Masokovere, who opted for a Marketing course, said her career ambitions were revived.

?I had lost hope, but now with the advice, I found strength and will fulfil my career dreams?.

? Ranche House College


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